Registration Form Event October 10 -13, 2024 with Nayaswami Pranaba Your Name(Required) First & Last Name Email(Required) Please provide your email address so we can communicate with you regarding this event.Thursday, October 10, 6:30PM-7:30PM Vegetarian Potluck (in-person only) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Quantity=person, if you plan to attend this potluck, in-person only event, please bring a vegetarian dish PER person indicatedThursday, October 10th 7:30PM-8:30PM -Meditation and Talk by Nayaswami Pranaba: Letting Go Quantity Price: $20.00 Quantity Quantity=person, If you plan to attend this Meditation and Talk by Nayaswami Pranaba: Letting GoFriday, October 11, 7:00PM-8:30PM in-person – Kirtan: An Evening of Chant Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Quantity=person, If you plan to attend this (in-person only) Kirtan eventSaturday, October 12, 10:00AM-12:00PM -Talk by Nayaswami Pranaba: Living Life to Our Fullest Potential -How to Deal with Obstacles Quantity Price: $35.00 Quantity Quantity=person, If you plan to attend this talk by Talk by Nayaswami Pranaba: Living Life to Our Fullest Potential -How to Deal with ObstaclesSaturday, October 12, 12:00PM-2:00PM -Vegetarian Potluck (in-person only) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Quantity=person, If you plan to attend this potluck (in-person only event), please bring a vegetarian dish PER quantity indicatedSunday, October 13, 9:30AM -10:15AM -Purification ceremony (in person only) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Quantity=person, If you plan to attend this (in-person only) Purification ceremonySunday, October 13, 10:30AM-11:45AM -Sunday service with Nayaswami Pranaba Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity If you plan to attend this Sunday service with Nayaswami PranabaSunday, October 13, 12:00PM-2:00PM -Vegetarian Potluck (in-person only) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Quantity=person, If you plan to attend this potluck (in-person only event), please bring a vegetarian dish PER quantity indicatedAttendance plans(Required) I plan to attend events all in-person at the Lighthouse Center I plan to attend all events virtually, unable to attend in-person only events I plan to attend some events in-person, and some virtually For registered virtual attendees, Zoom link(s) will be sent to the email address provided above once payment is received.Total Payment Options(Required) I will pay via PayPal (copy link:) I will pay via Vemno (copy link) I will to pay in cash at the Lighthouse Center I will to pay via check at the Lighthouse Center Select your payment method Δ